16 Software Breevy v3.18

Breevy - текстовый "экспандер" и программа для автоматического набора теста, которая поможет Вам печатать быстрее и более точно, безошибочно, помогая Вам сократить длинные слова и фразы, экономит больше времени и денег.

Breevy is a text expander and AutoText program for Windows that helps you type faster and more accurately by allowing you to abbreviate long words and phrases -- saving you time and money.

Think of a word or phrase that you often type or find cumbersome to type or remember -- your address, an e-mail signature, a complex word, etc.
Tell Breevy the abbreviation that you'd rather type in place of that word or phrase -- such as aad or ijt.
Whenever you'd like to type the entire word or phrase, instead type the abbreviation you made for it and Breevy will automatically and instantly replace it for you with its corresponding word, phrase, or boilerplate.
Breevy is extremely fast, easy to use, can replace your typed abbreviations in any application, is unobtrusive, has lots of cool features, and will start increasing your productivity within the first five minutes you use it. Try it... we know you'll love it.

How will Breevy help make my life easier?

Type a short abbreviation -- such as nnam -- and Breevy will automatically replace it with its corresponding word or phrase, as you type... saving you thousands of keystrokes per day.

Save money.

Time is money. Why waste time typing everything out in its entirety? Let Breevy handle the dirty work for you so you can focus on more important things.
Never have to worry about typos again.
Breevy can automatically correct your spelling errors (typos) in any application. Just click Import Typo AutoCorrections and you can finally retire that darn Backspace key for good!

Instant access to your favorite applications and websites.

Breevy can also launch applications, websites, files, and folders for you.

The process is as simple as defining an abbreviation for a word or a phrase. Choose the application, website, file, or folder you'd like to launch, define an abbreviation for it, and then Breevy will launch it for you whenever and wherever you type the abbreviation:
Launch Wordpad by typing wp
Launch Firefox by typing ff
Visit Google.com by typing gg
Open the My Documents folder by typing md

If you can type it, you can abbreviate it with Breevy... and get it typed in a fraction of the time.

Fill out those pesky, lengthy online forms in seconds:
nnam to Jonathan Smylie
aad to 123 Lawn Street, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Разработчик / Developer: http://www.16software.com/breevy/

О файле:
Активация|рег код: есть
Язык Интерфейса: Английский
Платформа/ОС: Windows
Размер : 5 Mб




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