Geekcorp Software DiskState v3.82.1627 Retail

Многофункциональная программа служит для присмотра за жесткими дисками. Умеет искать и удалять дубликаты и не нужные файлы, следить за изменениями в указанных папках, очищать cookies и кэш для основных браузеров, выводить графические отчеты и т.д. Обеспечивает быстрый доступ к стандартным средствам Windows по работе с дисками.

DiskState is a powerful disk analysis tool that allows you to browse through your disk space to find out total, used and free space and file system info on your drives. Get detailed info on the biggest folders on selected volume. Eliminate wasted disk space by deleting old and temporary files at your command or on a schedule. In addition, get a complete listing of duplicate files over all your drives using a powerful 128-bit MD5 signature to ensure that files actually are equal. Capture disk states, generate reports, schedule a deletion engine, and even extract boot blocks for multiboot and other system tools. DiskState's charting capabilities presents information so that it can quickly and easily be analyzed and interpreted.

Key Benefits at a Glance:
Complete overview of disk space usage - Browse through your disk space to find out total, used and free space and file system on your drives. Data is continuously updated and summarized.
Administer disk space - Get detailed info on the biggest folders on selected volume. Fast and efficient browsing through folders.
Eliminate wasted disk space - Free up that precious disk space by deleting old or temporary files.
Find duplicate files - Get a complete listing of duplicate files on all your drives. DiskState doesn't rely on just the file name to detect duplicate files, it also uses 128-bit MD5 signatures to ensure that files are truly duplicates.

System Requirements:


• Any Windows Compatible System (x86 and x64)
• 16 MB RAM on Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 systems
• 8 MB RAM on Windows 95/98 systems
• 6 MB Disk Space
• Monitor setting of 256 colors
• 800 X 600 screen resolution

• Microsoft Windows NT Server or NT Workstation, version 4.0 or later
• Microsoft Windows 95/98
• Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional/Server
• Microsoft Windows XP Professional/Home
• Microsoft Windows Server 2003
• Microsoft Windows Vista
• Microsoft Windows 7
• Internet Explorer 3.02 or better to view the help files

Операционная система: WinAll
Язык интерфейса: En
Размер: 3.25 Mb
Лекарство: Retail

Категория: Софт | Просмотров: 259 | Добавил: Админ | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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