Opera 11.10 Build 2005 Snapshot

– один из самых быстрых и гибких в настройке браузеров. Используя скины, пользовательские панели и другие средства настройки интерфейса, его внешний вид можно изменять до неузнаваемости. Программа позволяет "на лету" отключать и включать графику, а также может похвастаться фирменной технологией масштабирования веб-страниц, благодаря которой пользователи браузера практически никогда не видят горизонтальной прокрутки.

Основные возможности программы:
- Cпособ доступа к вашим любимым сайтам с помощью Speed Dial
- Защита от мошенничества
- BitTorrent клиент
- Блокировщик содержимого
- Добавление своих поисковых систем
- Просмотр миниатюр открытых страниц
- Настройки для каждого сайта по-отдельности
- Использование виджетов
- Новые возможности редактирования текста
- Диспетчер загрузки
- Навигация по табам
- Менеджер паролей
- Интегрированный поиск
- Блокирование всплывающих окон
- Жестикуляция мышью
- Функция быстрого перехода вперед
- Быстрые настройки с помощью кнопки F12
- Голосовое управление
- "Горячие клавиши" клавиатуры
- Функция "Корзины"
- Поддерживает протокол защиты информации SSL, версии 3, и протокол TLS 1.0 и 1.1
- 256-битное шифрование
- Удаление личных данных
- Управление cookies
- Электронная почта браузера Opera
- IRC-чат
- Поддержка функции "Drag and drop"
- Поддержка смены скинов интерфейса

* Fixed several memory leaks and crashes
* Do the same as other browsers on HTTPS-Proxy-CONNECT requests
* SSL/TLS tweaks and improvements
* Illegal URLs are not treated in a user-friendly way
* Improved our content-type detetion algorithm (implement ideas from http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-abarth-mime-sniff-05)
* Move Accept to compose-request and enable using */* on second request
* Remove the Accept-Charset header from HTTP requests
* Improved pipelining
* Improved pubsuffix
* Tweaked Cookie handling
* Work towards improving traversal in terms of the elements/objects in the document and their locations searching
* CORE-37 Cancelling onkeydown does not cancel keypress
* CORE-144 onblur attribute of an HTML form input field does not trigger when focus moves to a different frame
* CORE-241 Opera doesn't support multiple rels for LINK
* CORE-265 event.offsetX for mouse events returns "distance from previous whitespace" rather than "distance for target box origin"
* CORE-1281 nbsp entity in form element value submitted as space
* CORE-2378 Mouse or keyboard scrolling should not be allowed when scrolling=no is set on frame / iframe
* CORE-2447 Empty selection must not have any ranges
* CORE-2665 tBodies DOM 1 method returns nested tBodies
* CORE-5953 Unable to place cursor in empty selection
* CORE-7752 .start returns 0 instead of 1 for
* CORE-9064 Plugin object with display block does not initialize until paint is triggered
* CORE-10160 The input event needs to be dispatched on cut
* CORE-10266 xpath engine allows only 100 predicates in xpath expressions
* CORE-10406 prototype must be DontEnum for exposed DOM interfaces
* CORE-10431 Not scrolling correctly in find when there are inline elements in preformatted text
* CORE-13007 type set to the empty string causes style sheet not to be loaded
* CORE-14143 window.CanvasPixelArray is undefined
* CORE-14144 window.ImageData is not prototypable
* CORE-14146 getImageData(0, 0, 0.0001, 0.0001) throws
* CORE-14147 new window.ImageData(1,1) should throw
* CORE-14188 Unable to type '@' in transparent Flash text field
* CORE-15633 body.background should return full URL of the background image
* CORE-17277 Accesskey clicks disabled buttons
* CORE-18871 XMLHttpRequest spec violation - calling send() from a non-OPENED state does not throw
* CORE-19606 Make HTML5 section, article, nav, etc, elements block elements by default and add the style rules
* CORE-19687 Null in textContent stringifies to "null"
* CORE-21061 vertical-align on an inline-block misplaces it if there is a positioned sibling
* CORE-21407 remove support for UTS22 §1.4 charset alias matching
* CORE-21719 Support image naturalWidth naturalHeight
* CORE-22080 Move the accesskey property to HTMLElement (html5)
* CORE-22104 FormatBlock shouldn't rewrite ancestors
* CORE-22136 [DragonFly] Missing new-script event in case of scripts in HTML attributes
* CORE-22794 Bold font are not properly rendered when there is no bold font file available
* CORE-23856 /favicon.ico only loaded with html
* CORE-24706 HTMLScriptElement.text shows source of external script, not element contents
* CORE-25426 Implement Web Open Font Format (WOFF)
* CORE-25457 Selecting is broken when selecting upwards
* CORE-26075 [Webworkers] self.location doesn't take redirects into account
* CORE-26401 [UserJS] BeforeCSS/AfterCSS event
* CORE-26566 Skip collapsed text when extracting selected text and in document edit mode
* CORE-26823 Flash inside overflowed container still visible on Linux (windowless mode)
* CORE-27267 Unable to type in Flash text fields
* CORE-28043 Thai word wrapping does not work
* CORE-28244 www.sparebank1.no can't login due to problems with Java
* CORE-28401 Default to "ask user" instead of do nothing if a plug-in for a filetype isn't available.
* CORE-28443 Seeking in paused should remove poster frame
* CORE-28528 Add audio/x-midi to the list of MIDI MIME types
* CORE-28671 Entities thinsp, ensp, emsp are not displayed correctly
* CORE-28696 DOCTYPE not generated correctly
* CORE-29397 Streaming multiple identical plugin streams fails randomly
* CORE-29563 ends up with type parameter after parsing
* CORE-29651 http refresh causing internal communication error
* CORE-29753 Abs pos is unaffected by transform specified on zero-height ancestor
* CORE-29774 scroll event not fired on document
* CORE-29911 Wrong value from offsetWidth, offsetHeight in DOMContentLoaded event
* CORE-30215 Collapsed range is not collapsed after being added to selection
* CORE-30295 Fix subpixel rendering on older linux distros
* CORE-30351 [Dragonfly] Rule with no declarations missing in Opera Dragonfly
* CORE-30448 Scrolling a block scrolls the plugin content
* CORE-30624 Previous scroll position restored after interacting with the page while reloading (after having gone back in history)
* CORE-30969 Implement mouseenter and mouseleave events from DOM3Events
* CORE-31298 Nested ternary operator fails during JIT
* CORE-31354 Implement onfocusin/onfocusout
* CORE-31510 We don't wait for layout if a script tries to read computed height and external CSS is still loading
* CORE-31590 Cannot post comments or login to reuters.com
* CORE-31700 Google virtual keyboard broken - moving position:fixed element up or left leaves artifacts
* CORE-31704 Fix to crash during shutdown procedure
* CORE-31777 onhashchange event property should be on window, not document
* CORE-31801 browser.js fails if User javascript File path doesn't exist
* CORE-31942 Can not delete a list, only its contents, in contentEditable / designMode document
* CORE-31980 The player on libre.fm doesn't work in Opera
* CORE-32026 ce-html mime type is not handled by Opera (so the page is downloaded)
* CORE-32120 Page is loaded from the cache after changing from a lower protocol to higher protocol
* CORE-32179 eBuddy.com does not work - script can not read value correctly from previously hidden TEXTAREA
* CORE-32200 Document.onload not fired when .load-ing with async=false (Citibank Singapore Credit Cards Application Forms not visible)
* CORE-32260 Implement CSS Viewports spec
* CORE-32321 Opera cannot parse wml files when content-type is missing
* CORE-32327 Opera displaying content of files that are served as application/octect-stream
* CORE-32340 Use an anchor to determine correct position during mouse dragging
* CORE-32417 usairways.com log in does not work if script assigns javascript: URLs to window.location, run them after current thread
* CORE-32518 No change event on hidden file input — photo upload broken on xanga.com
* CORE-32538 Positioned child with top and bottom set not adjusting to container's height
* CORE-32646 Unable to remove contenteditable="false" content from inside contenteditable="true" element
* CORE-33007 Hash not updated after redirect
* CORE-33062 Canvas shadowBlur with clipping causes artifacts (and crash)
* CORE-33063 Tianya forum navigation menu looks borked, css string tokenization issue
* CORE-33214 -o-transform doesn't recognize functions with whitespace before arguments
* CORE-33239 :active state dropped if mouse moved away from element with the button still pressed
* CORE-33265 Unchanged location.hash triggers onhashchange (location.hash = location.hash)
* CORE-33305 Classes in content added via importNode are not recognized
* CORE-33315 [Extension] Support debugging of isolated userjs
* CORE-33383 Runs javascript url even though it's replaced by a form submit (Opera can't send mail through Yandex Mail)
* CORE-33385 Operator '=' of XPath behaves incorrectly (case insensitive)
* CORE-33415 Multiple files from one input not handled by PHP due to multipart/mixed MIME with sub-parts for each file
* CORE-33615 Crash on closing tab with plugin
* CORE-33619 Problem selecting origin and destination in the left combo menus - extending SELECT with select.length+=1 fails
* CORE-33674 First scroll event being sent to window instead of scrollable area
* CORE-33693 [Dragonfly] Send file name of user scripts through scope in OnNewScript
* CORE-33781 Find in page doesn't scroll to show search hits in frames
* CORE-33795 link.focus() does not remove focus from rich text editor
* CORE-33796 Calling body.focus() on editable body from button onclick fails
* CORE-33822 Remove widget cache folder just after widget uninstall
* CORE-33885 24sevenoffice.com web page missing menues in Opera - element.children exists in XML documents but is broken
* CORE-33887 Landsend.de doesn't allow Opera to show its subordinate contents
* CORE-33965 Complement expression used as condition skips test
* CORE-34189 Improve spatial navigation on complex sites like Facebook
* CORE-34436 with poster not resizing
* CORE-34533 with broken poster doesn't show video instead
* CORE-34538 Clicking a fires both a focus and blur event
* CORE-34548 Spatial navigation on elements with overlapping rectangles and event handlers should descend in the tree
* CORE-34564 Zooming in opera show mode causes incorrect scroll position
* CORE-34565 Geolocation notifier not shown again once window with a notifier is closed without answering
* CORE-34677 No hasProperty/hasMethod check before setting property/method on NPObject
* CORE-34697 should reappear after calling load()
* CORE-34706 [Dragonfly] opera.scopeCreateClient(): onconnected callback never gets called when connected to a remote host
* CORE-34712 Computed style for text-overflow is wrong
* CORE-34779 Fixed parsing of empty Geolocation reponse from Gelocation server (over IPv6)
* CORE-34785 Bitmap images should use themselves as favicon/document icon
* CORE-34788 Double clicking on content window while HTTPS site is loading loads home page
* CORE-34835 [User Prefs] Allow Autofocus Form Element=0 should additionally disable handling focus sent on synthetic events
* CORE-34838 Crash when handling plugin event when plugin failed
* CORE-34849 Server highlighting fix for urls containing ":" in fragment
* CORE-34961 Quirks mode parsing of color values on setting property
* CORE-34973 Opera returns data for width and height attributes on using getAttribute when they are unset or empty
* CORE-35006 Admit cloning of object DAGs involving host objects
* CORE-35065 color input element (input[type=color]) accepts ANY input unlike date, datetime-local, number, week, month
* CORE-35073 RegularExpressionLiterals not re-evaluated to create new objects within a loop
* CORE-35100 Too many onblur after selecting element and spatnaving
* CORE-35103 Text is not base-aligned in text areas
* CORE-35118 When scrolling inside scrollable container, make sure the scrolled-to element is outside of view
* CORE-35166 Crash when clearing the undo/redo stack after typing in Hebrew
* CORE-35184 Slowdown on hovering document with positioned iframes with visibility: hidden
* CORE-35198 Eval has an unnecessary hard limit of 64 imported variables
* CORE-35227 Date header from server is later sent in If-Range header
* CORE-35302 relative position on a link or its parent disables clickability
* CORE-35310 console.log does not print to Error Console
* CORE-35399 HTMLElement getting GC'd causing custom property to cease existing on erlang.org
* CORE-35470 Wrong value is computed if there is a space character before hash in color definition
* CORE-35493 Value lost on setting indexed property of external plugin object (vod.onet.pl player not loading)
* CORE-35902 Overflow hidden container scrolled when clicking button
* CORE-35969 Support CSS zoom cursors -o-zoom-in and -o-zoom-out
* CORE-36101 Better image viewer

* DSK-317643 Wand corruption on changing master password with specific wand data
* DSK-304211 HTTP Authentication dialog gets wrong size sometimes
* DSK-301536 Autocomplete doesn't remember https protocol
* DSK-314312 Crash when changing to alternate stylesheet via keyboard shortcut
* DSK-311131 Tab gets unpinned after opening the Save As dialog
* DSK-320771 While surfing in private window, Opera Mail links are opening in non-private tab
* DSK-323315 Generated feeds page still uses -o-text-overflow:ellipsis
* DSK-322017 Wrong background and border color for dropdowns for high contrast OS themes
* DSK-318301 Overlaid page information window incorrectly displayed on blank pages
* DSK-322307 untranslated string in the start-up dialog
* DSK-152299 opera uses latest session for startup instead of the one it's supposed to use
* DSK-284163 A ghost window is created when restarting with a Floating Panel
* DSK-287242 Edit functions don't work from the Opera menu button
* DSK-284110 Floating panels with the Info panel activated are covered with a white box on restart
* DSK-296685 Backing to Speed Dial loads start page
* DSK-142522 Check marks inconsistent in View > Encoding
* DSK-325607 Potential crash when deleting private data
* DSK-321938 Address field misbehaves when changing focus
* DSK-313944 "Ctrl+Shift+V" opens in a new background tab
* DSK-325446 new Home Url not upgraded when old url is written in prefs
* DSK-325509 Paste&go in empty tab bar place only opens new empty tab
* DSK-325816 History lost for Speed Dial tabs
* DSK-326913 Properly support for a deprecated IPv6 site-local (fec0::/10) address. Makes Opera load websites on Mac if Parallels is installed
* DSK-322565 [Autoupdate] A pending autoupdate should not start if the user has manually upgraded Opera in the meantime
* DSK-323413 [Autoupdate] Opera doesn't get updated browser.js or override_downloaded.ini for the new version of Opera immediately after autoupdating
* DSK-312122 [Autoupdate] Don't install old updates

* DSK-322567 Improve the look of the bookmarks bar skin
* DSK-174395 Bookmarks in bookmarks menu can't be right-clicked
* DSK-319266 Connection closed by remote server on ftp.opera.com with corrupted application_cache
* DSK-242310 Use black underline for IME candidates
* DSK-297021 "Execute program" concludes the whole line parameters in quotes
* DSK-314234 Incorrectly redrawn page when displaying the tooltip and scrolling
* DSK-190213 Save file dialog is not using the new style dialog in Windows Vista/7
* DSK-312119 [Autoupdate] Ask before installing an update
* DSK-317745 [Autoupdate] Add UAC shield to the autoupdate install button

* DSK-322686 Widgets in application mode crash on exit when closing using title bar close button
* DSK-295622 Change font-family default for sans-serif to Helvetica from Lucida Grande
* DSK-319195 Cannot import certificate files (window focus blocks dialog)
* DSK-320934 Forms type=date/month/datetimelocal/color skin broken
* DSK-318698 Inline search needs "Enter" twice to start
* DSK-301673 Search suggest does not display upon completing IME composition
* DSK-287696 Opera is very busy according to VoiceOver
* DSK-319978 Crash dialog might be hidden in background after crash
* DSK-244927 Disabling IME at input type="password"
* DSK-320590 Opera hidden when focusing another app while "Image Properties" is open
* DSK-325396 Extra 'Save As...' dialog after reopening window from empty workspace

* DSK-292229 Lines painted on top of scrolled area
* DSK-322175 Switching between tabs by using RMB+ScrollWheel doesn't work properly
* DSK-318391 Checked and disabled checkboxes are displayed as unchecked with many styles
* DSK-314272 Opera crashes when detach and close a tab
* DSK-320818 Opera should use further heuristics for CJK fonts when selecting Serif and Sans-Serif
* DSK-322749 Crash during draging tab to another window
* DSK-322532 Can not drop dragged windows everywhere outside opera
* DSK-321136 KDE/Qt file picker does not allow multiple file uploads
* DSK-324254 Menu items don't work after moving mouse outside parent menu
* DSK-323733 Tab is pinned (weirdly) when saving content
* DSK-185057 localized CJK font names are not understood in Opera
* DSK-322419 Clipboard middle button paste from pwsafe not working
* DSK-325503 X11 file selector blocks for minutes when loading directories with 1000+ files
* DSK-325511 Can not determine if a remote application holds the clipboard selection or not
* DSK-325513 Can not paste from Edit | Paste (menu bar) into address bar or form fields.
* DSK-323352 Opera crashes at startup while attempting to read fonts
* DSK-325754 Can not open blocked popups from notifier popup window
* CORE-35842 VLC plugin fails before opening window with X11 error "Error: Couldn't find per display information"
* CORE-29494 DnB NOR login problems

Год выпуска: 2011
ОС: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Язык интерфейса: русский
Сайт программы: opera.com
Лекарство: не требуется
Размер: 8,9 Мб

Категория: Софт | Просмотров: 319 | Добавил: Админ | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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