Opera 11.10 Build 2076 Snapshot

– один из самых быстрых и гибких в настройке браузеров. Используя скины, пользовательские панели и другие средства настройки интерфейса, его внешний вид можно изменять до неузнаваемости. Программа позволяет "на лету" отключать и включать графику, а также может похвастаться фирменной технологией масштабирования веб-страниц, благодаря которой пользователи браузера практически никогда не видят горизонтальной прокрутки.

Основные возможности программы:
- Cпособ доступа к вашим любимым сайтам с помощью Speed Dial
- Защита от мошенничества
- BitTorrent клиент
- Блокировщик содержимого
- Добавление своих поисковых систем
- Просмотр миниатюр открытых страниц
- Настройки для каждого сайта по-отдельности
- Использование виджетов
- Новые возможности редактирования текста
- Диспетчер загрузки
- Навигация по табам
- Менеджер паролей
- Интегрированный поиск
- Блокирование всплывающих окон
- Жестикуляция мышью
- Функция быстрого перехода вперед
- Быстрые настройки с помощью кнопки F12
- Голосовое управление
- \"Горячие клавиши\" клавиатуры
- Функция \"Корзины\"
- Поддерживает протокол защиты информации SSL, версии 3, и протокол TLS 1.0 и 1.1
- 256-битное шифрование
- Удаление личных данных
- Управление cookies
- Электронная почта браузера Opera
- IRC-чат
- Поддержка функции \"Drag and drop\"
- Поддержка смены скинов интерфейса

CORE-8579 (Setting .type removes focus)
CORE-37297 (Scrolling breaks in Facebook after viewing a photo)
CORE-13327 (Element with dimensions with larger element inside stretches unexpectedly)
CORE-13649 (Left auto offset incorrect for an absolutely positioned floated inline or inline-block)
CORE-14232 (Scrollbars for top document with absolutely positioned element with clip applied)
CORE-16055 (Absolutely positioned child of an element with height larger than its parent with hidden overflow): will generate a scrollbar as if its ancestor had not had non-visible overflow
CORE-18776 (Substantial Fragmentation of Mail Database Files)
CORE-19430 (Network: M2 is slow on certain file systems)
CORE-21938 (box-shadow mixed with opacity results in clipped shadows)
CORE-24951 (Crash on focusing input positioned outside of overflow container and hiding container)
CORE-27255 (-o-transform + zoom = text problems)
CORE-28534 (floats not cleared if elements with clear are preceded by an element with a negative bottom margin)
CORE-30960 (Events and :hover don't fire on element that has absolutely positioned parent with clipping applied)
CORE-31054 (Border disappears when parent container is inline-block with z-index and opacity < 1)
CORE-32254 (padding-top on outer container hides replaced alt if anchor parent has opacity < 1)
CORE-33349 (Incorrect (bounding_box based) calculation of content size causes problems with scrollbars)
CORE-33607 (Inner width/height of overflow auto elements does not compensate for scrollbar width/height)
CORE-33762 (Transformed text-shadow not shown when vertically offset above content box)
CORE-34316 (Setting form action causes error when reading out tagName for object elements inside form on gallito.com.uy)
CORE-34386 (Generated :after content adds to element's height)
CORE-34389 (List item with padding adds to height of list with already defined height)
CORE-34419 (Text overlaps on BlackBerry product site, Cufon font replacement not initialised due to sheet.disabled returning true for empty sheets)
CORE-34502 (:checked query does not find elements that had checked set before they were in the document): worldoflogs.com display issues
CORE-34745 (Can not add options to newly created SELECT that is not in the DOM (only the first two sub-levels in a "tree" work on elfa.se))
CORE-34811 (Embedded Flash with src starting with "file" and with colon in URL fails to load)
CORE-34824 (Images (especially background image) flickering when following a link on the same domain)
CORE-34918 (Text selection is not painted correctly when selecting between two block elements)
CORE-35194 (Bing.com hotels popup autocloses on opening after being closed first time)
CORE-35722 (Inline element overflow clipped when opacity is applied)
CORE-35752 (Opacity not applied to absolute positioned descendant of inline with opacity)
CORE-35900 (Reading nodename on an unknown tag kills scripting (parsed to HTMLElement))
CORE-35964 (Nested positioned file input doesn't respond due to clip)
CORE-36023 (Focusing partially visible form element moves it fully on screen)
CORE-36138 (Iframe with empty scrolling attribute gets no scrollbar and is unscrollable)
CORE-36174 (Fix crash when downloading files in the link panel)
CORE-36184 (New image viewer breaks platform/user key bindings (eg. fast forward) in directory of images)
CORE-36363 (Crash when passing empty parameter to Java applet)
CORE-36440 (Really bad scrolling performance on MyTrendyPhone.se - reading and outputting scroll position on scroll)
CORE-36467 (opacity <1 on an inline parent crops inline-block child)
CORE-36576 (Colour selector in opera:config initialized to black)
CORE-36598 (Use for Opera Widgets as well)
CORE-36603 (Implement the W3C's 'view-mode' media feature in browser)
CORE-36652 (New image viewer not handling certain image widths)
CORE-36672 (Remove -o prefix of CSS zoom cursors -o-zoom-in and -o-zoom-out)
CORE-36695 (Quora.com never fully loads and is always stuck at "Loading")
CORE-36736 (Background image on root element mispositioned when document contains nested positioned blocks)
CORE-36923 (All Speed Dial spots are rectangles, not squares)
Multiple crash fixes

DSK-219715 (Periods after links in history search are preceded by a space)
DSK-329506 (Adjust new Speed Dial recent sites order)
DSK-330333 (Speed Dial thumbnails are double-shrunk (and cropped))
DSK-330340 (Crash on zooming for some users)
DSK-330532 (Speed Dials that have been dragged can't be focused using the keyboard)
DSK-331049 (Speed Dial should handle page-up/page-down keyboard events)
DSK-331154 (Make sure Global Speed Dial Config dialog always aligned below the 'configure')
DSK-331622 (Adding page with javascript message loop to speed dial crashes Opera)
DSK-331863 (Speed Dial Add Button does not take .hover state)
DSK-331888 (There is no padding between the Speed Dial thumbnail spinner and the thumbnail title)
DSK-331897 (Page preview thumbnail close button is misaligned)
DSK-296552 (Search engine menu doesn't close after selecting new search engine)
DSK-300719 (Web panels' Small Screen setting gets disabled on restart)
DSK-324490 (Wrong search icon in hotclick pop-up menu)
DSK-325766 (Security protocols cannot be disabled in Opera 11)
DSK-329494 (Can't run Widgets on a USB installed Opera on Windows XP, nor use '-pd' On Linux/FreeBSD from an extracted tar package)
DSK-328922 (Some sites logos are not recognized correctly for use in the Speed Dial)
DSK-329149 (High icons bottom part isn't displayed in Speed Dial thumbnails)
DSK-329482 (Some pages get a blurry Thumbnail)
DSK-330099 (Speed Dial thumbnail icons are resized not re-generated on zoom)
DSK-330318 (Pages are loaded over again when Speed Dial zoom level is changed)
DSK-330338 (Friendly thumbnails aren't generated on browser update)
DSK-331006 (Long labels list in mail expands labels dialog too much)
DSK-331083 (New declarative UI filter dialog has drawing issues when editing mail labels)
DSK-331199 (Thumbnails with viewmode="minimized" and autoreload lose minimized viewport dimension settings)
DSK-331313 (Search term in search suggestion GET requests do not get URL encoded)
DSK-331359 (Speed Dials sends "cache-control : no-cache" in its request header)
DSK-331659 (Reloading Speed Dial sends GET request twice)
DSK-331660 (Changing zoom level for Speed Dial loses pixels between zoom steps)
DSK-331661 (When thumbnail minimized are set to fixed size whole Speed Dial content is filled with color of (0,0) pixel)
DSK-331671 (Regular thumbnail display only part of site instead of 1024x768 viewport)
DSK-331811 (X-Purpose preview header isn't sent with GET requests for redirected pages)
DSK-331878 (Thumbnail resize caching doesn't respect validity age for viewmode=minimized pages)
DSK-332305 (Changing Speed Dial zoom level with more the one Speed Dial tab resizes thumbnails few times)
Updates to strings and translations
Multiple crash fixes

DSK-321356 (The installer should update Opera.HTML in both HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE when installing for "All users on this computer")
DSK-322322 (Language selected incorrectly in the installer)
DSK-324395 (In some rare cases Windows user names in file paths can trigger crashes during installation.)
DSK-327342 (Add ability to associate Opera with .ogg files)
DSK-329496 (With an autoupdate pending for install it is not easy to uninstall Opera prior to updating)
DSK-329844 (Replace the "Terms of Service" button with a hyperlink widget)
DSK-330451 (Uninstalling Opera while Widgets are running does not give a locked file dialog)
DSK-330452 (It says "Stop installing" when you click "Ignore" in the installer locked files dialog)
DSK-330915 (Opera changing Shell Folders on startup)
DSK-331261 (Installation fails to a path with extra spaces at the end)
DSK-331940 (The help text for installation type does not work)
DSK-331941 (During installation the "Accept and Install" button changes text when you open the TOS)
DSK-332042 (Crash on launching the installer)
DSK-332045 (Terms of service link doesn't work in the installer)
DSK-331002 (Crash when restoring a page)

DSK-301310 ([IME] Finish composition when clicking with the mouse)
DSK-325990 (Widgets crash on initializing gstreamer)
DSK-326600 (High CPU usage with Content Blocker dialog open)
DSK-327249 (Fullscreen on Mac appears not on second display, even if the Opera window is currently placed on the second one)
DSK-328256 (Tahoma no longer using bold and italic styling)
DSK-329239 (Pasting copied cells from OpenOffice into body of html compose body inserts markup, instead of formatted text)
DSK-330057 (Left tab bar collapsing while resizing)
DSK-331479 (Crash on start-up in OS 10.4)
DSK-331651 (Crash on starting second WAV playback)
DSK-331653 (Crash on Facebook front-page with VoiceOver)

DSK-260858 (Support and use fontconfig aliases)
DSK-329536 (X11 system color setting broken)
DSK-330652 (Wrong text color for popup menus for many styles and color settings under KDE)
DSK-331776 (X11 File selector selects wrong directory)
DSK-331808 ("Execute program" concludes the whole line parameters in quotes (also buttons using execute are broken))

Операционная система: Windows® XP/Vista/Seven
Язык интерфейса: Multilanguage (Русский)
Год выхода: 2011
Лекарство: Не требуется
Размер: 9,09 МБ

Категория: Софт | Просмотров: 391 | Добавил: Админ | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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