Paint.NET 3.5.7 Final
Paint.NET 3.5.7 Final

Paint.NET - отличная замена стандартному редактору графических изображений из состава операционных систем Windows 2k/XP. Программа полностью бесплатна, но, в тоже время, обладает многими функциями, которые присутствуют в дорогих графических редакторах: - Поддержка слоев - Различные варианты кисти - Различные графические эффекты - Удаление эффекта "красных глаз" - Поддержка прозрачности PNG - Диапазон зума от 1% до 3200% - и многое другое.

Changes in Paint.NET 3.5.7 Final:
This update improves reliability of saving, further improves Copy/Paste functionality, and fixes some other miscellaneous bugs.
- Saving an image is now fault-tolerant. If there is an error or crash while saving, the original file will be left alone.
- Worked around a bug in some plugins that are incorrectly using the built-in Gaussian Blur effect. For example, Sharpen+. Now they won’t crash.
- Fixed a bug with Edit->Paste into New Image, where the new image would be 1 pixel too wide or tall, as reported at...
- Fixed a bug with the Rectangle Select tool and Fixed Ratio selection, which would be off by 1 pixel, as reported at...
- When pasting an image from Paint.NET into Paint.NET, it will be a little smarter about where it puts the image. Previously, if the location wasn’t within the viewport, it would be placed at the top-left corner of the viewport. Now it will find the nearest point along the edge of the viewport to place the image.
- The EXIF rotation ("orientation") metadata is now discarded when opening an image, which was causing aggravation with images that could then never be reoriented correctly using Image->Rotate
- The EXIF tags for JPEG thumbnail data are now correctly discarded.
- Fixed a handful of memory leaks.
- Fixed a typo in the Italian translation. In the setup wizard it was referring to "Pain.NET" (woops).

Операционная система: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista/7
Год выхода: 2011
Версия: 3.5.7 Final
Язык интерфейса: Multilanguage/Русский
Лекарство: Не требуется (freeware)
Размер: 3,51 Мб

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