14:58 Xpadder 2010.06.03 | |
Xpadder – программа для симуляции нажатия клавиш и движений мыши с помощью джойстика (геймпада). Таким образом, Xpadder позволяет использовать джойстик даже в тех играх, где его использование не предусмотрено. Кроме этого, с помощью джойстика можно будет играть в DOS- и интернет-играх, а также управлять плеерами, веб-браузерами и другими программами. Xpadder позволяет назначать клавиши мыши и клавиатуры на кнопки любого геймпада. Зачем это нужно? Например, игра не поддерживает геймпад или поддерживает его не очень хорошо (какой-нибудь Devil May Cry 3 или Resident Evil 4 и т. д. — живые тому примеры). Многие старые игры поголовно игнорируют эти устройства (гонять в Carmageddon на геймпаде — сплошное удовольствие). Или, скажем, управлять медиаплеером при помощи беспроводного геймпада, лежа на диване, тоже весьма удобно. Поддержка более 120 джойстиков, выпускаемых в течении последних 3-5 лет. Возможности Xpadder: • Можно играть в игры, где поддержки геймпада нет или она плохо оптимизирована. • Играть с помощью джойстика в эмуляторе, интернет- или DOS-играх. • Играть в многопользовательские игры, где каждый игрок использует геймпад. • Использовать геймпад как пульт управления аудио-видео плеерами с помощью горячих клавиш. • Настроить свой профиль геймпада для браузера или любого Windows-приложения. Ключевые особенности Xpadder: • Поддержка Windows XP, Vista и новой 7. • Поддержка 32- и 64-битных ОС семейства Windows. • Полная эмуляция всех функций клавиатуры и мыши. • Поддержка до 16 геймпадов одновременно. • Тонкая настройка нажатия любой кнопки и виброэффектов. • Возможность создания индивидуальных стилей оформления для каждого геймпада. • Поддержка игровых рулей, танцевальных ковров, гитар и прочих специфических манипуляторов. • Программа работает в Portable режиме и не прописывается в реестр. • Программа имеет маленький размер и легко поместится на Flash носителе. Optimized Advanced Assignment Cycle help Optimized all sub-windows Optimized executable code by using latest compiler Optimized for Windows XP and higher Optimized Xbox 360 properties text display Improved accessibility of disconnected controller settings and profile Improved advanced assignment buttons layout Improved advanced assignment testzone Improved advanced assignment time value entry Improved compiler directives to produce a smaller and faster executable Improved CoreLoop SubWindow update determinations Improved cycle handling Improved language file rating check Improved main settings window closure event Improved new language file creation Improved screen update system Improved set selection handling Improved slot processor Improved slot scheduler Improved slot time selection Improved stick deadzone main display (red buttons only appear when relevant stick subwindow is open) Improved window dimensions (new minimum resolution is 600x400) Improved Windows service pack detection on non-English systemsAdded "installation" language selection and instant language selection Added "last version run" recognition Added "Unused" indicators to Set buttons and menus Added Assignments based on button-hold-duration Added Assignments on release Added AutoProfile program selection as well as active window Added AutoProfile system Added clicking of AutoAdd Sequence Pauses checkbox text to toggle checkbox Added controller hiding Added controller ID to controller list Added controller settings page auto-selection Added Copy and Paste function for controller files via the controller menu (you can now post controller files on forums without needing to zip, upload and link) Added Copy and Paste functions for controller images Added Copy Text buttons to all dialogs and the Help and Controller Properties windows to help with debugging and reporting errors (saves having to produce screenshots) Added Disabled mouse cursor to Assignment image if Editing is disabled due to sequences and the advanced assignment window is not open Added DistanceZones so sticks and triggers can have different assignments based on distance Added Explore button to Controller/Profile menus and Language Settings page Added first-run legal and license dialogs Added global AutoProfile (de)activation Added hints to lists so all text can be seen if too long Added multiple controller watches (one watch autoopens different profiles onto each controller) Added name-icon background to Controller Settings Stick and DPad direction names Added QuickSave icons to controller and profile name buttons Added rumble animation to controller tabs Added scrollbars to all lists (they are visual only so the actual bar cannot be dragged yet) Added support for dual stick settings windows Added support for stick 1 to be analog if stick 2 was pov Added support for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 (original and R2) Added syncing of time slots and selected time value Added Tap or Hold Added theme button background to controller tab icons Added Unicode support Added unused language file line check Added virtual controller option Added Controller Transparency theme option Added language translation credits in the About box Converted version system to YYYY.MM.DD (old files are still readable though) Increased maximum automatic controller links from 32 to 255 Increased maximum languages from 16 to 255 Fixed a bug in assignment window where Shift could be constantly added Fixed a bug in Stick settings windows where stick 2 auto-assign caused an error Fixed a bug where a bad device driver that caused an enumdevices exception was assumed to be the result of a debug version of DirectInput (thanks to Andy M) Fixed a bug where Advanced Assignment Clear button remained in focus after clear dialog was displayed Fixed a bug where Advanced Assignment Insert, Delete and Clear buttons did not disable when they had no effect (thanks to hiryu) Fixed a bug where Advanced Assignment window started with focus on a button Fixed a bug where assignment was not shown on button if it was not in the first holdzone Fixed a bug where AutoProfile recent window list was positioned badly (thanks to Primal Fear) Fixed a bug where AutoProfiles sorted Profiles with identical watches unnecessarily (thanks to Primal Fear) Fixed a bug where Chinese text in dialog caused English text on remainder of line to use wrong font Fixed a bug where closing an Xpadder subwindow triggered the default AutoProfile Fixed a bug where closing sub-windows via a button was not handled correctly Fixed a bug where closing sub-windows was not handled correctly Fixed a bug where Controller and Profile name buttons lost yellow "changes made" highlight if controller was disconnected Fixed a bug where Controller Image clear button did not update controller tab icon Fixed a bug where Controller properties axis list had end bracket if axis list was empty Fixed a bug where deleting controllers from controller list caused Range Check Error (thanks to MadMouSe) Fixed a bug where disabling XInput could cause an error if a controller was using XInput at the time Fixed a bug where display could flicker on dual-core systems Fixed a bug where Gradient button style created random colours in some areas (thank to Antonio) Fixed a bug where Help did not explain missing options in mouse settings window if no mouse assignments are currently assigned Fixed a bug where instructions to disable debug version of DirectInput were not correct Fixed a bug where invalid controller files or pasted controller data used the word "profile" instead of "controller" in the error message Fixed a bug where logging off/shutting down windows was not handled correctly Fixed a bug where main Assignment Group help described old right-click method (thanks to Cable) Fixed a bug where main dialog window text was too wide Fixed a bug where mouse settings window did not update with new options when single mouse direction was assigned Fixed a bug where pasting a copied Controller image from Chrome did not process magenta Transparency correctly (thanks to Oke_Doke) Fixed a bug where pasting a profile showed "Opening profile" instead of "Pasting profile" while animation occurred Fixed a bug where pasting some international text caused a Range Check Error Fixed a bug where pressing the DPad while scanning for a stick caused an error problems (thanks to Danny) Fixed a bug where Profile KeyTapTime slider value was hidden (thanks to Cable) Fixed a bug where Profile Settings button in main window was treated as Profile Name click Fixed a bug where release type text appeared in language, controller and profile files and in boot exename check dialog Fixed a bug where save profile dialog showed "opening" text instead of "pasting" when pasting a profile over unsaved profile Fixed a bug where saving controller file with a new name when controller settings window was open did not update its titlebar with new name Fixed a bug where selecting item off the bottom of a list caused the list to jump to the top Fixed a bug where selecting the default location as My Documents was ignored if files were not actually saved to it on the first run Fixed a bug where simulated keypresses were not released on non-minimized animated exit of program Fixed a bug where some devices (notably Logitech webcam) caused error when detected (big thanks to blinkFRO for extensive testing) Fixed a bug where some false lines were processed when creating/checking a language file Fixed a bug where some international text could be lost when saving a file Fixed a bug where some language lines were inefficient multiple sentences Fixed a bug where the associate files option did not remain disabled across restarts Fixed a bug where the tab image did not resize when more controllers were connected Fixed a bug where the trigger deadzone value did not update as the trackbar moved Fixed a bug where tray icon menu showed windows version of controller name instead of user-defined controller file name Fixed a bug where unlinked controllers did not retain order Fixed a bug where Update and Windows 2000 XInput help remained from v5.3 Fixed a bug where white parts of the tab icon were transparent Fixed a bug where Windows options were badly arranged and help did not match order Fixed a profile update memory leak Fixed an update bug for Dpad, Stick and Trigger images and improved visuals Fixed other minor bugs Fixed some slot scheduling bugs Fixed some theme clashing bugs Fixed stick settings window layout Removed Language Update button to promote editing archived language file not own local copy Removed update system and all internet-related code Replaced "Download v?" for binary files with conversion email instruction Replaced all "Details" buttons with the more conventional "Properties" text Replaced capital letters in settings help windows with square brackets (not all alphabets have case distinction) Replaced confusing save icons with traditional disk icons Replaced external language files with built-in versions - Zip distribution is no longer needed Кроме основного файла программы «Xpadder.exe» архив содержит необязательные дополнения: • Игровые профили (86 шт.) папка - "Controller Profiles" • Скины реальных игровых геймпадов (125 шт.) папка - "Controller Images" • Темы главного окна программы (92 шт.) папка - "Themes" Год выхода: 2010 Разработчик: Jonathan Дом. страница: xpadder.com ОС: Windows® XP/Vista/7 Лекарство: Не требуется Язык интерфейса: ML/Русский Размер: 23,75 МБ Скачать Xpadder 2010.06.03 http://letitbit.net/download/8137.550820f689da295cecc15b0f76/XPadder_2010.06.03.www.dreamprogss.3dn.ru.rar.html http://vip-file.com/download/8486.550820f689da295cecc15b0f76/XPadder_2010.06.03.www.dreamprogss.3dn.ru.rar.html http://shareflare.net/download/8264.550820f689da295cecc15b0f76/XPadder_2010.06.03.www.dreamprogss.3dn.ru.rar.html | |